Our Whitepaper

Social Market is increasing consumer economic freedom. In a world where our paychecks lose value every year, we are solving the starving artist problem.


First of all, we, the Social Market team, would like to thank you for taking the time to read our website and for your interest in what we are doing. As a team of individuals who've been in the crypto space for 5+ years, we feel compelled to create a company and product that continues to drive the original mission of Bitcoin, only with a different approach.

We first wrote this as a proposition in 2022 where our initial goal was to solve some of the issues in social media and the internet (like true Web 3.0 believers). Later, we discovered that the open source Decentarlized Social (DeSo) blockchain was already doing this; so we decided to use their infrastructure as a foundation for our mobile app, where focus in helping the individuals directly. You can read more about our efforts and new vision to help individual creators on The Vision page.

Our initial goal of solving the monopolistic and centralization problems seen in social media and the internet has not escaped our minds, hence why we added it to our white paper with our initial vision, to remind us and tell you how far we've come. It will take a considerable amount of time until the bigger problem is resolved, but by working with the DeSo Foundation, we believe this is the way. Link below for view:


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